April 29, 2024
Hacktex project launched its 4th Newsletter. You are invited to read it here Hacktex launches its 4th Newsletter! | HACKTEX
Newsletter content presents the current stage of the project and focuses on the MOOC presentation as well as the training boot camp, virtual methodological guide and the Handbook of good practices.
April 26, 2024
At the 20th Techtextil from 23 to 26 April 2024, international exhibitors presented the entire spectrum of technical textiles, nonwovens, functional apparel textiles and textile technologies.
Texprocess, the leading trade fair for the apparel and textile processing industry, took place parallel to the Techtextil.
TITERA took part as a Fair visitor, taking insights into textile novelties, advances in smart textiles and sensor integration, visiting business partners and building connections for the future.
April 5, 2024
TITERA je uspešno organizirala dogodek z naslovom Dan inovativnih materialov na Srednji šoli za storitvene dejavnosti in logistiko Celje na dan 04.04.2024.
Počaščeni smo, da smo imeli priložnost predstaviti rezultate projekta Hacktex in dali priložnost tekstilnim podjetjem, da predstavijo svoje delovne in proizvodne procese mladim generacijam, ki vstopajo v tekstilno industrijo.
Hvala da ste bili z nami in hvala, da verjamete v dobre zgodbe!
March, 2024
December, 2023
TITERA became the beneficiary of the 1st EuroBoosTEX call: Innovate.
Project DigiTEXlabel aims to replace care labels, which are often cut off after purchase because they are uncomfortable or unreadable after several washes, with a digital, NFC or RFID label on the textile or paper product. Project duration: 1. 9. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023
December, 2023
TITERA became the beneficiary of the 1st Open Call for the Global Voucher!
project CoolShield wants to find a solution to extreme heat and body protection in the UAE.
Project duration: 1. 9. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023
We are happy to share with you that Hacktex has released its 3rd newsletter. Feel welcome to browse through useful information on the current status of our project and what are the milestones we have achieved.
Please visit the project website for more information: https://hacktex.eu/
We proudly announce that TITERA has become the first Slovenian representative for BiologaDanell Company, bringing shielding garments to you!
Garments made from an innovative knitted material, made from silver threads and eco-cotton are soft, durable, comfortable and stretchable. Providing garments for men and women as well as clothing accessories with shielding efficiency of > 99%.
We are very proud to bring garments with shielding properties to shield you against high-frequency electromagnetic waves to you. It is a privilege for us, to help you lift the quality of everyday life.
USE CODE: TITERA723 to get a 3% discount on your online order.
Textile ETP, in collaboration with TITERA, crafted a Europen Masterclass programme representing a 15-months learning journey, spanning 7 content modules for a total of 12 webinars. Leading technology developers, industry innovators and end-market experts across all disciplines of the European smart textiles ecosystem will share their insights and latest developments to enable you to realise the innovation potential in this growing field.
Join us here: Subscribe: Innovating in Smart Textiles Masterclass (google.com)
Textile-Platform - News&Events (textile-platform.eu)
WTIN Conference with the speech of Dr. Daniela ZAVEC about "Challenges in moving Smart Textiles projects from R&D Labs to Commercialisation"
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