Wir begleiten u.a. Forschungsprojekte, in die auch Studierende eingebunden sind. Im Rahmen des Projektes "Nach dem kreativen Weg zum praktischen Wissen" erwerben Studenten bereits während ihrer Ausbildung praktische Erfahrungen, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten.

Projects with students 2014/2015: PKD Koper
  1. Protection and safety for humans under extreme environmental conditions
    The project was developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology at the University of Ljubljana, the Koper Fire Department and Titera Ltd.
  2. Development of numerical and physical models for the virtual evaluation of personal protective equipment
    The project was developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Maribor, PAZU and Titera Ltd.
  3. The influence of the comfort of clothing on the quality performance for singers